
Culturadata Interactive is a digital platform that uses interactive data visualizations of statistics in the field of culture, developed by the team of the National Institute for Cultural Research and Training. The aim of the platform is to make data about the cultural and creative sectors in Romania more accessible, clearer and easier to understand.

Created in 2018, the Culturadata Interactive platform has now an improved version from an aesthetic, structural, technical and methodological point of view.

Version 2.0 of the platform introduces enhanced features, including Interactive Publications and theĀ Cartographic Module, enabling mapping down to locality level. Alongside these additions, there are numerous new functionalities that significantly boost interactivity with data and visualisations: interactive tables and graphs featuring multiple adaptive filters, dynamic temporal maps, scatter and flow charts, pivot tables, and network graphs. The updated version also incorporates animated visualizations, providing users with the flexibility to select the observation unit.

Cartographic module:

  • data selection / structuring / visualisation and analysis tool;
  • provides for multiple selection functionalities both at geographical area level (county, locality) and at data level (category of indicators and indicators);
  • three types of dynamic graphs are available on the indicator pages: comparison/evolution, ranking and frequency.

Interactive publications:

  • thematic sections that can be built on modular templates;
  • based on datasets structured and documented according to visualisation methodologies developed by INCFC specialists;
  • several of the indicators illustrated in the cartographic module are analyzed in detail in the interactive publications.

The new version of Culturadata Interactive also comes with improved data collection and processing methods and tools. In addition to open data and data made available by public institutions, experimental data mining and data scraping methods have been used, and currently, steps are being taken to develop partnerships with institutions that own or manage national databases or registers in order to achieve connectivity and interoperability through APIs. Thus, Culturadata Interactive is at the same time developing into both a valuable research instrument and a public archiving tool for statistical data on the cultural and creative sectors in Romania.

The previous version of the platform can be accessed in the CDI 1.0 archive.

contact: office@culturadata.ro


The use of the content of this website, by way of explanation, in publications is authorized only if the source is clearly and precisely indicated. The platform and its component digital publications are licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International