National Institute for Cultural Research and Training
Release date: December 3, 2020
The study Trends in the cultural consumption during the pandemic is a survey on various culture-related themes, on a nationwide-representative sample (2000 respondents), which includes two biannual editions:
• First edition, study conducted for the period 04.06.2020 – 28.08.2020
• Second edition, study conducted for the period 01.10.2020 – 01.12.2020
The survey has the purpose to reveal the cultural consumption prognosis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study Trends in the cultural consumption during the pandemic includes two major categories of collected data:
• Socio-demographic characteristics
• The theme of the cultural consumption prior to the pandemic and the cultural consumption estimates for the next 6 months
The sample is representative at national level for the population aged 18 and above. The approximate volume is 1000 persons, with a maximum error of +/- 3.1, at a confidence level of 95%.
The questionnaire administration was made via the CATI method, and the structure of the sample included: gender, age, education level, size of locality (towns with 200 thousand inhabitants, towns between 100 and 200 thousand inhabitants, towns between 30 and 100 thousand inhabitants, towns under 30 thousand inhabitants, communes) and development sub-regions.
The first edition of the study Trends in the cultural consumption during the pandemic presents the respondents’ intention to spend their spare-time in the public space in the period July-December 2020, as well as comparisons to the level recorded in 2019. Furthermore, the study is focused on the identification of non-public cultural consumption practices during the isolation period and it approaches the matter of digital gaps. A special attention was paid to the consumption of radio and TV programmes, as well as to the differences recorded for this type of consumption as compared to the period prior to the start of the pandemic.
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