National Institute for Cultural Research and Training
Intangible Cultural Heritage
Section: 2017 Cultural Consumption Barometer
[Do you rather agree or disagree with the following statements…?]
[Do you rather agree or disagree with the following statements…?]
[Considering the locality you live in, do you know…? – only “Yes” answers]
[Please tell us which of the following elements are important…?]
[Please tell us which of the following elements are important…?]
[Please tell us which of the following elements have you learnt from your parents / grandparents…?]
[Please tell us which of the following elements were transmitted to you by your parents / grandparents…?]
[Have you ever attended workshops in…?]
[Have you ever attended workshops in…?]
[Do you collect objects made by traditional craftsmen?]
National level
[Do you know people who are very skilled in the field of traditional folk dances, traditional folk songs, traditional customs or traditional crafts (known as “Living Human Treasures”)?]
National level