Cultural Consumption and Participation in Recreational Activities within the Public Space

Section: Cultural Consumption Figures at Brâncuși’s House. A Perception on the Cultural Offer in the County of Gorj

Cultural Consumption and Participation in Recreational Activities within the Public Space

Through the analysis of the cultural consumption within the public space we shall consider the types of cultural consumption and recreational activities performed outside the household, i.e. outside the individual’s private space. These types of consumption are not strictly defined by the free access (for some events, the access is ticket-based) and they do not only take place in public cultural institutions (example: the theatre, the library etc.), but also in private spaces (example: a cinema within a mall).

Participation in cultural performances [In the last 12 months, how many times…?] (percentages in the graph represent the "yes" answers)

  • Gorj County
  • Târgu Jiu
  • 15%
  • 32%


  • 6%
  • 10%

Classical music

  • 4%
  • 5%

Ballet show

Consumption of cultural institutions' services [In the last 12 months, how many times…?] (percentages in the graph represent the "yes" answers)

  • Gorj County
  • Târgu Jiu
  • 34%
  • 43%

Visiting historical monuments

  • 10%
  • 20%

Visiting art museums

  • 7%
  • 14%

Going to the library to read

  • 7%
  • 11%

Visiting art galleries

Participation in activities that require a receptive consumption [In the last 12 months, how many times…?] (percentages in the graph represent the "yes" answers)

  • Gorj County
  • Târgu Jiu
  • 41%
  • 52%

Music / entertainment shows

  • 28%
  • 35%

Sports competitions

  • 26%
  • 47%


  • 3%
  • 5%

Jazz concerts

Participation in activities that require an active consumption [In the last 12 months, how many times…?] (percentages in the graph represent the "yes" answers)

  • Gorj County
  • Târgu Jiu
  • 64%
  • 81%

Going to the mall

  • 64%
  • 78%

Going to a restaurant / bar / café

  • 30%
  • 38%

Going to the disco / club

Forms of participation in community-related activities [In the last 12 months, how many times…?] (percentages in the graph represent the "yes" answers)

  • Gorj County
  • Târgu Jiu
  • 91%
  • 94%

Going to church

  • 73%
  • 86%

Participation in local celebrations / events (days of the town / commune)

Forms of participation that require an active lifestyle [In the last 12 months, how many times…?] (percentages in the graph represent the "yes" answers)

  • Gorj County
  • Târgu Jiu
  • 85%
  • 96%


  • 69%
  • 89%


  • 32%
  • 44%

gym (fitness)

Cultural consumption within the public space, by age

  • 18-29 de years old
  • 30-39 de years old
  • 40-49 de years old
  • 50-64 de years old
  • 65 de years old and above
  • 49%
  • 21%
  • 17%
  • 9%
  • 4%

Watching movies at the cinema theatre

  • 47%
  • 18%
  • 13%
  • 12%
  • 11%

Watching theatre performances

  • 29%
  • 14%
  • 23%
  • 19%
  • 15%

Visiting historical monuments

  • 26%
  • 16%
  • 21%
  • 21%
  • 16%

Participation in local celebrations and events

Top of cultural institutions attended at the level of Gorj county and of the town of Târgu Jiu

No. Which of the following cultural institutions in Gorj county have you attended at least once in the last 12 months? Gorj County Târgu Jiu
1 Drama Theatre ’’Elvira Godeanu’’ 7% 16%
2 County Centre for the Preservation and Promotion of National Culture 7% 8%
3 Traditional folk ensemble ’’Doina Gorjului’’ 6% 8%
4 County Library ’’Christian Tell’’, Gorj 6% 9%
5 Children's Palace 6% 14%
6 Cinema theatre within the ’’Shopping City Târgu Jiu’’ 6% 13%
7 Gorj County Museum ’’Alexandru Ștefulescu’’ 5% 6%
8 People's Art School of Târgu Jiu 5% 7%
9 Gorj Youth Cultural Centre, Târgu Jiu 4% 6%
10 Traditional folk ensemble ’’Maria Latarețu’’ 4% 3%
11 Centre for Research, Documentation and Promotion "Constantin Brâncuşi" 3% 5%
12 ’’Sergiu Nicolaescu’’ Cinema 3% 6%
13 ’’Lira Gorjului’’ Chamber Orchestra 3% 4%

Top of participation in cultural events at the level of Târgu Jiu

Which of the following events have you attended in the last 12 months in Gorj County or in Târgu Jiu City? (inhabitants of Târgu Jiu)
1. National Pop and Folk Music Festival ’’Coloana Infinitului’’ ("The Endless Column") 12%
2. Elvira Godeanu Days. National Theatre Festival 11%
3. International Day of the Romanian Traditional Blouse 10%
4. St. Elijah's "Nedeia" of Polovragi 9%
5. Festival of the Gorj Traditional Song, Dance and Costume, Tismana 9%
6. National Ballad and Folk Festival ’’Poarta Sărutului’’ ("The Gate of the Kiss") 8%
7. Day of National Culture 8%
8. GorjFest. International Visual Arts Festival 8%
9. Sons of Gorj - Coming back home 7%
10. Festival of the Romanian Traditional Song ’’Maria Latarețu’’ 6%
11. National Dance Festival ’’Prin dans spre infinit’’ ("Through Dance to Infinity" 6%
12. International Folklore Festival ’’Acasa la Brâncuși’’ ("At Brâncuşi's Place") 5%
13. Romanian Craftsmen's Fair 4%
14. National Gymnastics and Dance Festival ’’Maiastra’’ ("Enchanted Bird") 4%
15. Inter-County Festival of Pastoral Folklore ’’Urcatul oilor la munte’’ ("Taking the sheep up the mountain") 4%
16. National Week of Libraries 4%
17. International Caricature Salon, Târgu Jiu 3%
18. Brâncuşi's Lands. Traditional Music Contest-Festival for the People's Art School 3%
19. International Brancusian Sculpture Symposium 3%

Information sources [What sources of information do you use for the cultural events that you attend in Gorj County?]

  • Mass-media (press, TV, radio)
  • Friends
  • Posters
  • Internet
  • Brochures, flyers, banners
  • Cultural events magazines
  • Leisure Guides
  • 42%
  • 41%
  • 38%
  • 31%
  • 20%
  • 10%
  • 3%


Growth of the public cultural consumption [What would make you go to shows / events in Gorj County more often?]

  • Gorj County
  • Târgu Jiu
  • 29%
  • 33%

More spare time

  • 28%
  • 39%

Scheduling of the shows at more accessible hours

  • 24%
  • 31%

Knowing the show schedule on a long term (2-3 months prior)

  • 20%
  • 19%

A better promotion of the shows

  • 20%
  • 20%

Promotional tickets (including lower fees for subscription)

  • 12%
  • 16%

Non-conventional performance spaces

  • 11%
  • 22%

Free parking

  • 7%
  • 11%

Better quality of the information on the show

  • 6%
  • 9%

Diversification of the type of shows (example: inter-disciplinary shows – theatre, dance, music)

  • 6%
  • 12%

The existence of a coffee shop/teahouse within the show institution

  • 4%
  • 5%

Diversification of ticket-buying methods (online)

Respondents' perception on the fields of investment from the state budget

If the authorities in your locality (town/village hall and local council) benefited from more money in the budget, which of the following fields would you like this additional money to be invested in the most?
And the least The most The least
1 Protection, preservation or rehabilitation of the historical buildings, monuments, archaeological sites, fortresses etc. 9% 2%
2 Repair / upgrade of dispensaries or hospitals in the locality 30% 1%
3 Repair / upgrade of the schools or high schools in the locality 13% 3%
4 Professional training programmes for the unemployed 17% 5%
5 Organising cultural events 3% 17%
6 Building a multifunctional cultural centre 3% 13%
7 Investments in transport infrastructure 3% 8%
8 Investments in recreational infrastructure 2% 13%
9 Investments in cultural infrastructure (museums, exhibitions, performance halls) 1% 5%
10 Investments in tourism infrastructure 1% 8%
11 Building children's parks and playgrounds 2% 4%
12 Adjusting the infrastructure for disabled people 4% 2%
13 Creating socialisation spaces for the elderly 6% 3%
14 Creating children's and youth's creation spaces 5% 2%
Non-answer 3% 15%

Respondents' satisfaction

How satisfied are you, personally, with the following aspects of life in the locality you are living in? Please grade from 1 to 10, where 1 means "totally unsatisfied" and 10 means "totally satisfied"
Situation of historical buildings (aspect, maintenance); 9
Prices of cultural events or activities available for the wide public; 9
Diversity of cultural events or activities available for the wide public; 8.6
Situation of the buildings outside the locality centre (in the neighbourhoods, for example: aspect, maintenance) 8.4
Number of cultural events that take place outside the locality centre (in the neighbourhoods, for example); 7.9
Situation of public spaces (public squares, pedestrian areas etc); 7.4
Situation of social services (for example: care services for disabled and elderly persons, support services for economically-challenged people etc.); 7.4
Personal safety when you are out (in the street, when shopping etc.); 7.2
Public education system; 7.2
Facilities for practising sports and physical recreation activities (e.g. sports rooms / fields); 7.1
Public transport system; 6.9
Facilities for cultural activities (museums, libraries, performance halls, cinema etc.); 6.8
Situation of streets (their maintenance); 6.7
Green spaces and parks; 6.2
Medical system (hospitals, dispensaries); 6.0