National Institute for Cultural Research and Training
National Identity and the Centenary of the Great Union
In order to better understand the cultural consumption practices, we need to know the manner in which people in a certain geographical space define themselves. The belonging to a national identity is no longer seen in the recent specialised literature as a pre-established attribute, but as a matter of choice between several possible supra- or sub-national identities.
From the (sub)national self-identification viewpoint, the majority of the Gorj population deem the local, county and national identities more important than the identity associated to the historical region (Oltenia). At the same time, three quarters of the respondents define their county’s identity through Constantin Brâncuși and his works.
Although they consider traditions and customs important, the Gorj population does not relate to these elements in a conservative manner exclusively. The respondents showed a high level of acceptance of other cultures’ traditions and customs. This is why this cultural openness could be valorised at the level of the events and activities organised by the county’s cultural institutions.
[What group do you feel you belong to?]
[In your opinion, how important are the following aspects for somebody to be a “real Romanian”?]
[What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the syntagm “Centenary of the Great Union”?]
[What type of events would you like to be organized in your locality on the occasion of the Great Union Centenary?]