Economic analysis of the cultural and creative sectors in Romania in the period 2015-2018

Section: Cultural and Creative Sectors in Romania

Economic analysis of the cultural and creative sectors in Romania in the period 2015-2018

According to the definition we used the Cultural and Creative Sectors comprise the following subdomains: 1. Libraries and archives, 2. Cultural heritage, 3. Crafts and Handicrafts, 4. Performing Arts, 5. Visual Arts, 6. Book and Press, 7. Architecture, 8. Audiovisual and multimedia, 9. Advertising, 10. IT, software and electronic games and 11. Research and development.

The evolution of Gross Value Added (GVA) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the period 2015- 2017 (bn. lei)

The gross value added is a key indicator of performance, because it shows the contribution of the CCS to the national economy – more precisely, to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

CCS economic contribution to the national GDP and GVA

The IT sector has the highest share (1.8 of total GVA in 2018), while Architecture, Advertising and TV and radio broadcasting activities contribute together with 1.3 in the national GVA in 2018.

Turnover (thousand lei)

The CCS turnover has continued its ascending trend recorded for the previous periods, on the background of the economic growth at national level and of exploiting the rising trends of the consumption in the country’s population.

CCS share in total turnover, 2018

In terms of the turnover structure on CCS sub-sectors in 2018, the IT sector stands out by far, with a dominant 41.5% from the total.

Changes in the turnover, 2018 compared to 2015, on CCS sub-sectors

Net profit (thousand lei)

The net profit has known a permanent annual growth. While in the period 2011-2015 there was a year when the trend was negative (2012), in the interval 2015-2018 this situation was not repeated. Obviously, this happened on the background of a positive economic context of the national economy. Since 2017, the annual growths of the profit exceeded 30%.

Structure of the net profit on CCS sectors in 2015-2018

Structure of the net profit on CCS sectors in 2015-2018

Growth rate of the turnover and of the net profit, compared to 2015 (%)

The growth rate of the net profit was higher than the rate of turnover growth. The graph below reflects this. The growth rate is compared to the year 2015. We can see that in 2018 this rate is 214% for the net profit, much higher than the growth rate of the turnover, which is 147%. This is due to the growth of the profitability rates.

Total number of employees

The employment within CCS has known a positive evolution, too, with annual growths of the total number4 of employees.

Employment in CCS compared to the national economy

Structure of the number of employees on Culture and Art sector, in the period 2015-2018

Structure of the number of employees on Cultural Sectors, in the period 2015-2018

Structure of the number of employees on Creative Sectors, in the period 2015-2018

Structure of the number of employees on Transversal Sectors, in the period 2015-2018

Work productivity (euro/employee)

Work productivity on CCS sectors

Commercial profitability

Degree of indebtedness

Evolution of fixed assets (thousand lei)

Annex - List of NACE codes included in the Cultural and Creative Sectors

For further details on defining the Cultural and Creative Sectors, see the study White Paper for Unlocking the Economic Potential of the Cultural and Creative Sectors in Romania [2016]